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Punahou School
2022 - 2026
In August 2022, I started my 9th grade year at Punahou School.
It's the #1 of 103 Best High Schools for Athletes in Hawaii
It's the #2 of 47 Best School for STEM in Hawaii
It's the #244 of 4,323 Best Private High School in America
I like it because a lot of my friends attend this school and it's really preparing me for College.
Kaimuki Middle School
2019 - 2022
Kaimuki Middle School is the school I go to. I am going there for multiple reasons:
It is close to our house
My friends are going to that school
It is a public school​
I got into GT (Gifted and Talented)
I was recently accepted into the GT (Gifted & Talented​) program. This program only accepts 28 students per subject so I'm very excited to be in that class.
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