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      Some projects I have done are BreakOutMoving Square, Fruit NinjaAsteroids and Pong. BreakOut is my most recent game although I haven't completed it. Pong is my most recent completed game. Fruit Ninja is my second most recent game. Asteroids is my second to last game although Fruit Ninja is just a modified version of Astroids. Moving Square is when I first learned how to write code.

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Breakout RUN


4th Grade

      A project I have done in fourth grade school is a beach erosion prevention project. I got to go into a group with my best friend and my other friend. We made model sandbags and they were very small. We used pipe cleaners to shape the bags and then we filled it with sand and covered it with an old swimsuit and used a staple to cover it. We tested it and for a prototype and it passed and stopped erosion.

4th Grade

      A project I have done in fourth grade school is a beach erosion prevention project. I got to go into a group with my best friend and my other friend. We made model sandbags and they were very small. We used pipe cleaners to shape the bags and then we filled it with sand and covered it with an old swimsuit and used a staple to cover it. We tested it and for a prototype and it passed and stopped erosion.

5th Grade

      A project I have done in fifth grade is an acid rain prevention/observation project. I was in a group with three other people. We had four small plants (one for each person). We made a solution that mimicked acid rain. We used part water and part vinegar. We split up the plants into two groups. One was getting watered with the acid rain solution and the other was watered with ... well ... water. And every other day we would switch between misting the plants and just pouring water or acid rain solution.


I am not too sure what category to put this under so I put under something very specific as in "Trips". So this section is what trips I have done. So some trips besides just going for vacation are going to Palo Alto. I went to San Fransisco for a disrupting innovation program. The whole thing was three weeks long. The first week is here in Hawaii as well as the third week. The second week we go to Palo Alto and spend the last day in San Fransisco. The goal is to take ideas from Palo Alto and bring it back to Hawaii. My idea was an app that is kind of like Go Fund Me or Kickstarter except we only help people that are stable and just happen to be homeless.  

And places I go on even for just vacations are usually only Canada and Tennessee but I have gone to Mexico once. Reasons for this is because my dad is from Canada and my mom is from Tennessee. And the reason for Mexico is because my dad's parents (my grandparents) 

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